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Walking and Exercise After Precice 2 Technique

After Precice cosmetic limb lengthening surgery, walking and exercise are important parts of the recovery process. Just after the surgery ankle pump exercises will be started and you will be encouraged to walking as soon as possible with a walker or crutches.

It is obvious that timing and type of activity will depend on the individual case and the surgeon’s recommendations. The level of activity and exercise can be gradually increased as the healing process progresses and the patient regains strength.

walking and exercise precice 2
walking and exercise precice

Physical theraphy is obligatory in all types of cosmetic limb lengthening procedures. Proper physiotherapy helps the patient to regain strength and mobility. Physiotherapy must be individualized and needs of the patients should be determined preoperatively.

A patient should exercise his/her muscles as soon as possible. Mobilization, range of motion and strengthening exercises are very important especially to prevent some serious complications such as deep vein thrombosis, joint stiffness, etc. Any patient can exercise upper body with minor limitations.


After the end of lengthening process you can swim, go jogging, bicycling, climb the stairs or practise yoga without any limitation. Contact sports (basketball, football, etc) are not allowed during this period. After 9-12 months from lengthening, you can play contact sports.

One should remember that it is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully and to avoid overloading limb that may put too much stress on the healing bones until fully healed. If any concerns or complications arise, it is important to seek prompt medical attention.

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